Saturday, January 22, 2011

#40 Genesis 32:24-26

This image will conclude the series for 2011. Thank you kindly for your attention, patience and indulgence.

#39 Boneless Rib-Eye Steak W/Bigsby Tailpice

Notable for it's use of an ugly 70's color combination. Back in the day many kitchens and bathrooms were decorated with these colors.
The artist is hungry and looking forward to getting paid on the first when he can afford something else for lunch besides a corn tortilla and a single bean.

#38 Messenger of the Gods

Again, a reference to one of the greatest artists of all-time, Auguste Rodin.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

#37 Number Thirty Seven

Ah, well- I can't really think of a title for this one, but I don't want to call it "Untitled" either- that would be the easy way out. I don't even want to think about it any more. Maybe I'll change it later on.

#36 Jawbone

Okay- you've got the human skulls. You've got the totem pole. You've got the bright colors. If this is not enough to satisfy your craving for art today I will also provide a link to Marie Osmond performing a poem by Hugo Ball.

Monday, January 17, 2011

#35 New Year's Eve Busted Up Rock Guitar

The title says it all. And then I added a bright orange background to liven things up a bit.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

#34 Tiberius- Guitar Hero of Rome

Alternate title: Electro-Acoustic. Other alternate title: Sunglasses of the Gods.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#33 Triple Penetration

I was going to once again use the ploy of a French title for this one, but it turns out that "Triple Penetration" in French is the same as in English- except you need a couple of accent marks over the e's in "Penetration", which I don't know how to do on this blog, so that's that. Another thing that went wrong is that I used glitter on this picture, but you can't really tell by looking at the digital copy. There are some subtleties in art that you just can't capture with digital technology.

Monday, January 3, 2011

#32 A Christmas Tree

I stayed up late on Christmas Eve to create... this. What was I thinking? The usual...